Sunday, 20 January 2013

2013 - outward bound

I know most of us start a new year with many resolutions - some achievable, some not so, but this year I have one very clear vision and a resolution I have never set myself before. 

In life when we have a vision there are some of us mere humans that tend to put many obstacles in the way, and it doesn't matter how many of those we overcome, trepidation is normally the fundamental emotional obstacle.  What if I fail....?  Those of you who don't feel this, I'd warn you to stop reading now as I don't know one human being who does not experience this feeling during their life.

I'm not saying you can't overcome this - nothing ventured, nothing gained right?  What I am saying is that you have to come to terms with the fact that during the process of following your dream or vision you are going to experience this challenging emotion from time to time.  I do believe though that once you have come to terms with the fact that this is going to happen, then there is nothing really to stop you.  No more excuses, no more procrastinating, no more standing by while others succeed in their dream and you watch from the sideline, no more loosing yourself in Pinterest dreaming about what could be.

So it is with this thought that I have entered 2013 with a very strong determination to make my vision and dream reality. Yes there will be doubtful days, there will be days when trepidation consumes me and there will be days when I wonder what on earth I am doing - but if I don't try, I will never know.

image courtesy of and

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