So instead of costing me £8 at the dry cleaners, or £150 to call out an engineer it will have cost me £159 in 10 months time when the maintenance guarantee, that was cheaper to take out rather than call on an engineer or purchase a new machine, runs out!
A 7.30am visit this morning from a nice man from Hotpoint brought more feather carnage. 6 flushes of the machine later (thank god the machine is in the shed, not in the house!) and I have been trying to clear up feathers all day, even Jo our cat began to look like Big Bird!
So the moral of the story .... never, never, never again, ever put anything feather like in your washing machine!
Crikey - I had been thinking about washing pillows - until now. It looks like visiting the dry cleaners will be the cheapest option. Hope both you and the washing machine have recovered!
Oh sorry to hear this and the call out fee - omg! I had to laugh though when you mentioned Chicken Run.
Thank you for the warning. sorry about your mishap. It was kinda funny to imagine but it must have been hell to clean up.
I shouldn't laugh but it makes for a funny story!
Thank youso much for the book and the bookmark. It was all so beautiful.
Hi Sally
Can I have a photo of the parcel from Alison for the Flickr group. Also what was the book title that you sent to Alison as I can't read it on her photo?
Thanks and hope you are OK?
Best wishes
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