Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Spring has sprung

This weekend brought us two inspirational events - firstly spring, which seems to have rapidly disappeared as the week has developed, but also the 40th anniversary of Eric Carle's much-loved classic The Hungary Caterpillar, which was originally published in 1969 and every time I see the book or illustration I can't help but smile.

Eric's original idea came to him while he was working in his studio.

"One day I was punching holes with a hole puncher into a stack of paper and I thought of a bookworm and so I created a story called 'A Week with Willi the Worm'. Then my editor suggested a caterpillar instead and I said 'Butterfly!' That's how it began."

Eric, who turns 80 this year, is still very young at heart and receives some 10,000 letters a year from children who have read the book and as testament to great work has sold more than 29 million copies around the world and has been translated into 47 languages. It still sells on average one copy every 30 seconds. Which just goes to show whilst many fads come and go simple and inspirational work lives forever.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

War is declared in Duntshill Road

This little beastie has returned - the Chrysolina Americana as it is known in horticultural circles, or more commonly The Rosemary Beetle, is not a welcome guest in our garden. Our small patch brims with green hedges, white roses, herbs and lavenders and it is the rosemary and lavender bushes that this little chap delights in. They are not new to the UK the Royal Horticultural Society reported them first in 1994. However they first visited us two years ago, and now every year I am on beetle watch starting in early spring through to the summer and to my horror this morning I spotted the first of our yearly visitors. Although they look lovely with their dark green and red stripes they unfortunately strip the lavender and rosemary and can eat an amazing amount of just one bush in one day! So beware, if you have these plants in your garden go now and check them - and believe me don't feel cruel.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Happy Mother's Day Mum x

Although I can't be with you today I am sending a huge hug and kiss to you Mum - wouldn't these be lovely with a up of coffee? xx

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mum's out there - enjoy the sunshine.