Saturday, 28 February 2009

Wednesday was a challenging day. It started off with me not concentrating and tripping up the escalator at Baker Street Station (at least it was up!) and cracking my knee on the edge of the next metal step - s**t that hurt - it was bizarre the different emotions I experienced.

  1. Terror - I see moving metal approaching me very quickly
  2. Confusion - What's going on? I'm not meant to be down here, sprawled completely un-lady-like
  3. Possessiveness - Grab tight of everything on person - mobile, travel card, handbag, document you were reading on train and bag which was on shoulder with "stuff" in it, which on reflection could have been surplus to requirements this morning
  4. Shock - Think I might cry now, the bottom lip is quivering - luckily it was only for a split second as it could have been even more embarrassing then tripping in-front of hundreds of rush hour commuters!
  5. Worry - Have I ripped my trousers? I have a meeting at a large advertising agency in half an hour with people I haven't met before, is my knee bleeding?
  6. Relief - Safely in office, no rip, no blood, bowl of porridge/banana/maple syrup, time to gather thoughts for meeting and get a cab to large advertising agency with only 5 minutes to get there before meeting, it's just not going to happen.
Time to compose myself and metamorphose myself back into 37 me and not 63 my mother who regularly trips up!
Perhaps I should take more water with it!

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Wanting to go back soon...

Dehillerin is a national Parisian treasure and not one for the faint hearted. As a tourist you can very easily receive a sharp tongue, as a local, a furrowed brow, however if you show any form of cuisine professionalism and knowledge of the relevant equipment you are welcomed with a smile and open arms. I do therefore question why they have their door open to the public - perhaps a naughty game they like to play?
I have a healthy obsession with cooking and cookery shops and this very often extends to foreign supermarkets and food shops (there are worst obsessions I promise you!). So when I happened upon this wonderful establishment on my last trip to Paris, it was surprisingly by pure fate rather than detailed planning. It definitely didn't look as sharp as the image above, at first I thought it was shut - the windows were covered with cardboard and dusted with a fine layer of Parisian debris and grime as if someone had "sprinkled liberally" to give the finishing touches to the ultimate cook shop recipe.

Entering the grime coated doors I found I was in heaven - gleaming copper, paring knives that sat comfortably in the palm of your hand, roasting trays crying out for a wonderful of ribbed beef, baking tins to make any cook quiver with excitement and untold ranges of saucepans I would have given my left arm for (not my right mind you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to use them!). No wonder I sigh contently every time I think of this magical place.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Love is in the air

Mr S and I are not into the big commercial valentine's thing - don't worry am not going to bore you with our thoughts - but we do recognise the day and with that I wanted to wish you all a happy, happy valentines day - spread the love x

images from:
red book
red door
red handles
red jelly

Monday, 9 February 2009


..keep falling, keep falling, keep falling - it's been the sort of day that either you go out fully togged up in waterproofs or shorts and flip-flops. Had a little tweet today, re-jigged the colours on the blog and new image for banner, worked on my website and started to design a birthday present for Mr S (very exciting). I so want to share but more on that later when I am further along and I know he is not going to peek.

Looking forward to some of this (above!) tomorrow whilst I carry on with designing the website in a local cafe - it's good to get out - hope you are all safe and dry!

photo courtesy of

Saturday, 7 February 2009

It's been a long long time

I have been a very bad, bad, bad blogger. Can't believe how long I have ignored you for - sorry won't really cut it will it? Time has flown by many projects finished, postponed, cancelled and some we are trying to revive now - it's tough out there, the interiors industry is taking a battering most of my work is coming from the commercial side of things as residential is hibernating. I am now also trying to get some interior styling work e.g. photo shoots, theatre/tv sets, window displays, house styling etc so if you know of anyone who needs help with their style then please let me know :0

Also in an attempt to get the RedFish name out there have been working on my website (along with my trusty art director!) and man it's hard promoting yourself - it's not one of my strong points - for 14 years or so I promoted some major brands world-wide but when it's so close to home it's a bit personal! (sorry picture of my art director keeps placing itself up the top of the blog and now HERE am frustrated now so am going to leave it where it is! why does it do that?)

So in search of inspiration I have come back to blogging and it's been lovely catching up with all my old blog haunts which I have not frequented for a while - glad to hear you are all well and happy :0

Anyone else on twitter? I have just joined today so am very new to it but it seems quite fun - have just voted on which jacket richard bacon should wear on sftw tomorrow - loads of people involved in it so should be a bit of fun -come and look me up I'm under redfishdesigns.

Also before I run any of you seen this over at polariod? It's great - drag your image onto the polariod camera icon which will be on your desktop and it turns your modern image into a nostalgic polariod shot with all it's colour vignetting and flaws - the camera even makes the sound it used to when it was ejecting your print - mmm memories! Pop over and have a go and don't forget that if you are in a hurry you can give it a virtual shake - think I'll be spending some time on converting my pictures...

Happy snapping!